Baja SAE is a collegiate off-road vehicle competition hosted by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE). National competitions are held at 3 different locations in the United States, and these competitions consist of dynamic events and static events. Dynamic events include hill climb, tractor pull​, suspension race, maneuverability race, endurance race, static events, design presentation​, sales presentation, and cost report.

Our team is made of 35 undergraduate students from NC State's College of Engineering and NC State's Poole College of Management. Within the College of Engineering our students represent the following majors: Aerospace Engineering, Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Industrial and Systems Engineering, Material Science and Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering.

Joining the Baja Racing Team helped me better understand physics and statics concepts by applying them in real life. Thanks to the hands-on learning, I excelled in both classes.